En regardant les DVD de Der Ring des Nibelungen de Wagner, que je ne me permets pas encore d'acheter, je suis tombé sur un opéra mis en scène par Werner Herzog!!! Lohengrin, une nouveauté sortie en DVD sur le marché en avril 2008. Mais finalement, y a-t-il quelque chose de plus logique quand on pense à l'opéra si présent dans les films de Herzog. Fitzcarraldo!
J'apprends d'ailleurs l'existence du documentaire de Herzog The Transformation of the World Into Music (1994) qui traite des opéras et de la musique de Wagner.
Dans un article de Sensesofcinema, David Church écrit «He has directed operas (mostly by Wagner) periodically since 1986, including a performance of Schiller's Giovanna d'Arco that he filmed in 1989. The influence of opera is obvious in Fitzcarraldo, but the music also makes its way into many of Herzog's other films. He argues that opera plots are often completely unrealistic, but that the music somehow renders such strange machinations and wild emotions believable. This elevation of an opera's self-contained world toward a sort of deeper musical truth resonates somewhat with Herzog's approach to filmmaking, though he claims that film is more about transforming the world into believable images than into the unreal archetypal situations found in opera. This sentiment would be put to the test in his documentary Gesualdo – Tod für fünf Stimmen (Gesualdo – Death for Five Voices, 1995) for which he would take only the loosest historical facts about 16th century composer and prince Carlo Gesualdo, fabricating a bizarre biography about madness and murderous eccentricities. One of Herzog's most playfully entertaining and even comical documentaries, it features historians and bizarre Gesualdo enthusiasts presenting the composer's life and work. The resulting film emerges as a delightful ode to Herzog's skill in stylisation and his love of music – which he cites as a greater inspiration for his films than literary or filmic influences. »
Ainsi donc, ma rencontre avec Herzog se poursuit, là où je ne m'y attends même pas.
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